Small Business Websites


₹4,999₹7,999 only

  • 5 to 8 Page Website

  • 2 Stock Images

  • Shared Hosting (Free for One Year*)

  • 1 jQuery Slider Banner

  • Free Icon

  • SEO Friendly Pages

  • Responsive For All Devices

  • Complete W3C Certified HTML

  • 2 Working Days Delivery

  • Features:
  • Rush Free Delivery

  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

  • Dedicated Designers

  • Unique Designs Guaranteed

  • Tailored to Your Needs


₹9,999₹14,000 only

  • 8 to 15 Page Website

  • 5 Stock Images

  • Shared Hosting (Free for One Year*)

  • 2 jQuery Slider Banner

  • Free Icon

  • SEO Friendly Pages

  • LiveChat Integration

  • Responsive For All Devices

  • Complete W3C Certified HTML

  • Full Source Code

  • 3 Working Days Delivery

  • Features:
  • Rush Free Delivery

  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

  • Dedicated Designers

  • Unique Designs Guaranteed

  • Tailored to Your Needs


₹14,999₹21,999 only

  • 15 to 25 Page Website

  • 10 Stock Images

  • Fast Hosting (Free for One Year*)

  • 5 jQuery Slider Banner

  • Free Icon

  • SEO Friendly Pages

  • LiveChat Integration

  • WhatsApp Chat Integration

  • Social Media Integration

  • Google Map Integrationv

  • Up to 2 Contact Form

  • 3 Month Free Support

  • Dynamic Blog Integration (If Needed)

  • Responsive For All Devices

  • Complete W3C Certified HTML

  • Full Source Code

  • 6 Working Days Delivery

  • Features:
  • Rush Free Delivery

  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

  • Dedicated Designers

  • Unique Designs Guaranteed

  • Tailored to Your Needs

Small Business Websites - The Power of Static Web Pages


In the digital age, a strong online presence is crucial for any small business looking to thrive in a competitive marketplace. A well-designed website serves as the digital storefront, attracting potential customers and conveying the brand's message effectively. One popular approach for small businesses is to opt for a static website. In this blog, we will explore what a static website is, its advantages, and how it can benefit small businesses seeking a cost-effective and efficient online solution.

What is a Static Website?

A static website is a type of web page that is built using HTML, CSS, and possibly some JavaScript elements. Unlike dynamic websites that rely on server-side processing and database interactions, static websites consist of fixed content that remains unchanged unless manually updated by a web developer. In simpler terms, the content on a static website remains constant and doesn't adapt based on user interactions.

Advantages of Static Websites:

  1. Simplicity and Speed: Static websites are lightweight as they don't require complex databases or server-side processing. Consequently, they load faster, ensuring an improved user experience, which is crucial in retaining visitors.
  2. Security: With minimal or no server-side scripting, static websites are less vulnerable to cyber threats like SQL injections or cross-site scripting (XSS), making them inherently more secure.
  3. Cost-Effective: Since static websites require fewer resources to build and maintain, they are usually more budget-friendly, which is a significant advantage for small businesses with limited financial capacities.
  4. Reliability: As static sites don't rely on databases or content management systems (CMS), they are less prone to technical issues and downtime, offering greater reliability for visitors.
  5. Search Engine Friendliness: Search engines can easily crawl and index static websites, which can lead to better search engine rankings when relevant keywords are used effectively.

How Static Websites Benefit Small Businesses:

  1. Quick Launch: For small businesses looking to establish an online presence rapidly, static websites are an ideal choice. With less complex development processes, they can be up and running in a shorter time frame.
  2. Low Maintenance: Since static websites do not require regular updates or dynamic content management, small businesses can save both time and money on maintenance efforts.
  3. Showcase Essential Information: For businesses with a straightforward product or service offering, a static website efficiently presents essential information, such as contact details, product descriptions, and pricing.
  4. Efficient for Niche Businesses: If a small business caters to a specific niche market with limited changes in content, a static website ensures all relevant information is available at all times.


In conclusion, static websites offer an excellent solution for small businesses seeking an affordable and straightforward online presence. With their simplicity, speed, and security, they can effectively showcase essential information to potential customers while minimizing maintenance efforts. For niche businesses or those just starting, a static website can be the first stepping stone towards building a stronger online brand presence. Embracing the power of static web pages can prove to be a strategic move for small businesses looking to thrive in the digital realm.

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Our Website Design Process

Impeccable Designs for You, in Just 3 Steps!


The first step is to collect details regarding the client's business, such as its values, mission, and target market. This data aids the designer in comprehending the client's brand image and producing a design that precisely reflects it.



Once the initial design is created, the designer will present it to the client for feedback. The client can request revisions or changes to the design until they are satisfied with the final product. The number of revisions allowed may depend on the designer's policies.


Final Delivery

Once the client approves the final design, the designer will provide them with the necessary files in different formats for various uses, such as print or digital media. The client will receive the design in high-resolution formats.


Client’s review.

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